
Weekly rainfall totals by zip code
Weekly rainfall totals by zip code

weekly rainfall totals by zip code

The data accuracy and availability can be compromised due to equipment failure, power loss, equipment defects, loss of calibration, or Internet/radio communication equipment failure of equipment provided by others. 30 min 1 hr 3 hr 6 hr 12 hr 1 day 2 days 3 days 7 days. The FC District does not warranty, guarantee, or certify the accuracy of the rainfall data. The above information is presented to provide an indication of potential for flooding based on experience and review of limited historic rainfall data. The Contra Costa County Flood Control & Water Conservation District (FC District) is not responsible for predicting flooding, warning property ow ners of imminent flooding, or ordering evacuations. Station 86 - CCC Corporation Yard, Brentwood.Station 53 - EBMUD Water Tank, Tassajara.Station 47 - Roddy Ranch Golf Club, Brentwood.Station 44 - Bethel Island Fire Station.Station 39 - Ironhouse Sanitary District, Oakley.Station 25 - Marsh Creek Reservoir, Brentwood Stage Information.Station 16 - Marsh Creek Fire Department, Clayton Stage Information.Station 14 - EBMUD Pump Station, Bixler.Station 10 - Highland Peak, off Morgan Territory Road.Station 51 - Weapons Station Fire Station, Concord.Station 20 - Dublin Fire Station, San Ramon.Station 37 - Arroyo Del Hambre Ferndale Road, Martinez.Station 36 - Pleasant Hill City Yard, Pleasant Hill.Station 33 - Ygnacio Valley Fire, Concord.Station 31 - Danville Library, Danville.Station 29 - Rossmoor Community, Walnut Creek.Station 18 - Orinda Fire Station, Orinda.Station 11 - CCC Flood Control District, Martinez.Station 32 - EBRPD Bald Peak, Tilden Park.Rain Gauge List with links to CDECīelow is a list of the rain gauge stations with a link to their data at the California Data Exchange Center ( CDEC ). Use the HEC-DSSVue Tools>Math Functions>General tab>Replace Specific Values pull down menu to change these. So that they would be flagged as missing, but would not skew the data plots in DSSVue, missing data has been set to equal -0.09999. The data is current as of June 30, 2011).

#Weekly rainfall totals by zip code download#

Rainfall Data (NovaStar.zip) ( DSS file 3.9 MB updated -right click to download file) Data is in inches, is provisional and subject to revision. You will need HEC-DSSVue to view the data after unzipping the file. Where we have only 1 hour or 1 day data, we provide data at 1 hour or 1 day intervals. Where we have real time data (time stamped at each tip of the tipping bucket rain gauge) we provide data at 5 minute intervals. Rain Gauge Table (with detailed recent Antecedent Conditions)īelow is link to a HEC-DSS file that contains much of our rainfall data.Google Earth Rain and Stream Gauges (kmz).You can easily find the data via our Rain Map and other links on this page. We collect the data from our rain gauges and publish it online every 20 minutes. The Flood Control District manages 30 rain gauges.

Weekly rainfall totals by zip code